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News Section Poll: A Playful Peek into MX Student Life

Welcome to another news section poll! In this article, we’re here to take a lighthearted journey through the highs, lows, and hilarious moments that make up our Middlesex life. 

First up, I tackled the question of what theme song best encapsulates the rollercoaster of Middlesex school life. Some suggested “The Final Countdown” by Europe, while others voted for “Where'd All The Time Go?” by Dr. Dog and even “Jerusalem.” The winner? Definitely “Nonstop” from the musical Hamilton, as Middlesex keeps us grinding nonstop, fighting like we’re “running out of time.”

Picture this: you wake up on a peaceful Sunday morning to the sweet sound of birds chirping, refreshed and ready to lounge in bed the entire day. Suddenly, you remember that you have a mountain of assignments to complete, three tests to study for, and you open your phone to see your English teacher’s email about the new essay you have to write. Would Middlesex students procrastinate, or would they spend the day grinding? On a scale of 1 to 10, almost a third of Middlesex students answered that they would most definitely procrastinate, while only 2.9% of academic weapons choose to tackle the demon of work. In fact, some even admitted to procrastinating on answering the poll itself!

Middlesex students may not have mastered the art of climbing up the ladder of abstraction, but we certainly have mastered the art of falling asleep anywhere and everywhere. From the theater during community time to the floor of Ruth’s classroom and to Mr. Mahoney’s math class, students have nodded off in the most bizarre places. Shoutout to the poor soul who fell asleep on the toilet seat in the RCC bathroom! Talk about sleep deprivation!

The ultimate dilemma remains whether to cram or sleep before an exam. The majority opt for the sensible option of getting a good night's sleep, leaving their fates to the hands of God. However, some still swear by the power of last-minute cramming, fueled by cans of Celcius and sheer desperation. 

Finally, on a change of tone, I asked students which Harry Potter house they think their dorm best represents. BP stands loyal as a true Hufflepuff, while Higginson and Kravis tie for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Surprisingly, an unexpected number of people voted for Clay to represent Slytherin (better watch out for this sneaky bunch!). 

And there you have it! A small glimpse into the life of Middlesex students. Remember, no matter how stressful everything gets, keep calm and carry on procrastinating (or maybe not). After all, the best memories remain to be three a.m. conversations and it’s all just part of the Middlesex experience!

Jessica Wu

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The views expressed in each article are those of the author's, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, faculty members, or Middlesex School. The Editors-in-Chief assume total responsibility for the Anvil.

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